The EX Grand Prix

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The EX Grand Prix is Now Available!

We would like to introduce a new battle system with slightly different rules than usual, the EX Grand Prix.

Table of Contents


1. What is the EX Grand Prix

The EX Grand Prix is a special battle system that is open for an extremely short amount of time.
Instead of having multiple rounds like in a normal Grand Prix, the EX Grand Prix features special rules that differ each time it opens, with the player trying to see how many wins they can achieve within the set amount of tries.

Depending on the amount of wins achieved, players can receive things like pack tickets for the newest set and a special card that changes each month.


2. How to Enter the EX Grand Prix

Enter the EX Grand Prix by going to the Home Screen → Coliseum → EX Grand Prix.

During the EX Grand Prix, the initial round can be entered for free. However, any subsequent entries will cost either Zenny x240 or EX Grand Prix Ticket x1.
*”EX Grand Prix Ticket” can be obtained from Mission Rewards.


3. EX Grand Prix Deck

Forge your own deck to use in the EX Grand Prix and enter the fray.

When entering the EX Grand Prix, you will need to create a new deck to be used in the EX Grand Prix.
Decks you use normally may not be used in the EX Grand Prix. You will need to make a new deck for use in the EX Grand Prix.
Once you have entered the EX Grand Prix, you cannot change your deck that you set until you have performed the specified number of battles or retired.

Additionally, there may be special deck rules in place for each EX Grand Prix.
When putting together your deck, make sure to check the above figure found on the EX Grand Prix Entrance Screen.


4. Special Rules

There are special rules set each time the EX Grand Prix is held.

The special rules set can be viewed on the EX Grand Prix Entrance screen or the EX Grand Prix Details screen.

The special rules are not only limited to deck building restrictions such as “No Basic Cards,” but also include rules such as “MP Recovery Speed Up,” which affect the flow of battle. Please make sure to view the rules thoroughly before going into battle.


5. Claiming Rewards

Within the EX Grand Prix, reward slots will increase according to the number of wins achieved and the rewards themselves will become more valuable.

If you reach the set amount of battles or retire early after entering an EX Grand Prix, you will receive the rewards equal to the amount of victories achieved at that time.
If the EX Grand Prix period ends before you finish the set amount of battles, you will receive rewards based on the amount of wins achieved up to that point.

In addition, if you are able to achieve all victories in the set amount of battles in the EX Grand Prix, for the first time only, you’ll receive the special card that changes each month.
*View the different rewards obtainable with the Grand Prix Details button.



Enjoy battles with this new, different rule set!
With the special rules, cards and heroes you may not have used before may perform better than you’d expect!
There is no limit to the amount of times you can enter, so aim for the special card while enjoying this new way of battling!

Continue to the next article for more info on the game!


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