Adjustment to Jewel Consumption Order

Last updated : Oct. 28, 2019, 1:45 (PT)

Published : Oct. 28, 2019, 1:45 (PT)

The order of consumption when jewels are used will change from the following date.
Please note the following changes if you have either transferred data between devices with different operating systems (e.g. from an Android device to an iOS device) or are considering doing so.

Revision date
Oct. 31, 2019 (PT)
31 Oct. 2019 (UTC)
following maintenance.

Changes to the order of jewel consumption are as follows:

Before Change: In cases where data has been previously transferred, all jewels obtained before the transfer were used first.
[Old OS] Free Jewels
[Old OS] Paid Jewels
[New OS] Free Jewels
[New OS] Paid Jewels
After Change: Free jewels will be used first regardless of when they were obtained.
Free Jewels
Paid Jewels

Please Note
- Even in cases where game data has already been transferred, the order of any jewel consumption will be free jewels then paid jewels.
- Only the order of consumption of paid jewels will be changed. No change will be made to jewels already held or purchasing jewels.

We thank you for your understanding.