New Card Set "いくぜ青春!熱血学園 Schoolyard Royale"!


The "Nekketsu Battle Royale" begins!

The Nekketsu High student body is filled with a variety of colorful personalities.
Characters from the "Rival Schools" series, the "Mega Man X" series, and more will vie to become the Bancho Boss, the most powerful student at the school!
What will happen when all of these fiery individuals duke it out?! And who will take on the mantle of Bancho Boss?!

Story Introduction


Introducing the cards in "いくぜ青春!熱血学園 Schoolyard Royale"!

  • 卡尼爾
  • 春日野櫻
  • 超熱血伏地挺身
  • 飛彈
  • 四散的號外
  • 無悔的結果
  • 薩斯卡茨
  • 出人意表的一手
  • 羅貝多三浦
  • 高速丟粉筆
  • 蛛俐
  • 伊吹
  • 理科教室大爆炸事件
  • 潛伏者
  • 熱血學園名產炒麵麵包
  • 心懷不軌的埋伏
  • 麥克‧拜森
  • 毅力非凡宣言
  • 思考型不良機器人
  • 惡劣至極的陷阱
*Some cards not found in card packs may be in included.
Supplemental Cards to be added at a later date and other info will be released on the promotional TEPPEN X account!
Supplemental Cards to be added at a later date and other info will be released on the promotional TEPPEN X account!

Get Pack Tickets!

Everyone that checks out "いくぜ青春!熱血学園 Schoolyard Royale" special page will get a Pack Ticket as a present!
You'll be gifted one more if you share the page on X! Don't miss this chance! ♪
Scan the QR code and get a "NEW PACK TICKET"! Share the page and get one more!

* When you share the page, a QR code to receive a Pack Ticket will display.

Availability Period: Until Apr. 12, 2024, 22:59 (CST)
* Scan the QR Code and get a "NEW PACK TICKET" by going to Other → Scan QR Code.
* The "NEW PACK TICKET" will be sent to your Present Box.
* The "NEW PACK TICKET" will be exchanged for a "いくぜ青春!熱血学園 Schoolyard Royale" Pack Ticket at a later date.

2024.4 Update.

* Details describe game features at the time of their implementation.