This article will explain about changing your Heroes’ and character’s appearance using Skins.
Table of Contents
1. What are Skins
Skins are a function that allows you to change your Heroes’ and character’s appearance!
Get your hands on a skin you like and equip it to your Heroes!
*The Hero Element and its Hero Art will not change.
2. How to Obtain Skins
You have a chance to obtain Skins with each purchase of certain packs.
You cannot obtain Skins that you have already obtained.
Check which card pack a Skin is available from by going to the Home Screen → Cards → Edit Deck → Change Skin → View Purchased Card Packs.
*Skins are only included in certain Card Packs.
3. How to Change Skins
Skins can be assigned differently to each deck and their respective Hero.
Change which Hero Skin to use by going to Home Screen → Cards → Edit Deck → Change Skin.
If you possess a Skin, you can change it freely.
By checking “Set skin as default,” you can make the selected Skin your default Skin.
The default Skin will be shown when making a new deck or choosing Skins.
4. Extra Skins
Extra Skins not only change the character’s and Hero’s appearance, but also change their Hero Arts animation and BGM!
For example; By equipping the Hero Ryu with the Evil Ryu Extra Skin, his Hero Arts become Metsu Hadoken, Torrent of Hado, and Messatsu Goshoryu with the respective animations changing as well!
Metsu Shoryuken
Messatsu Goshoryu
*The Hero Element and its Hero Art will not change.
This concludes the introduction to Skins.
Enjoy intense battles with Heroes changed to your own tastes!
Continue to the next article for more info on the game!