Data Update Notice

Ultimo aggiornamento : 21 sett. 2021, 6:50 (UTC)

Pubblicato : 21 sett. 2021, 6:50 (UTC)

The data was updated on the following date and time.

- Update date and time
Sept. 21, 2021, 6:30 (UTC)

- Update contents
- Bug Fixes
 - The number of <Shield> given to a unit is not displayed in the text about card effect.

 - Il testo dell’effetto è sbagliato.
  Makoto (COR 047)
  Gran Girros (AKUMA 003)

 - I bersagli dell’effetto indicati non sono corretti.
  Hilda Hidalgo (HBM 084)

- Preparation for upcoming events

- Caution
* Only data was updated and no maintenance is scheduled.
* If you are playing the game, you will be returned to the title screen and the update will be reflected.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.