[Ver.3.0.5] Regarding Balance Changes
Last updated : Jan. 21, 2021, 22:00 (PT)
Published : Jan. 21, 2021, 22:00 (PT)
The following balance adjustments will be made in the version 3.0.5 update.
From the development team
Thank you for your continued enjoyment of playing TEPPEN.We are committed to encouraging a wide variety of useful decks and strategies that players can create by combining Hero Arts and cards. We have gone through with some planned balance adjustments for this purpose.
We will be conducting balance changes, as well as increasing the amount of selectable cards when creating your decks.
Please see the following for each balance adjustments.
- Grizzled Veteran (TDA 021)
- Molsters (TOA 019)
- Dual Dragon Hado (COR 045)
- Advanced Artifact X (COR 070)
- Steel Headsman Verdugo (ATH 092)

Grizzled Veteran (TDA 021)
Deal X damage split among all enemy units, where X is the number of times friendly units have leveled up using Growth.
Number of times leveled up: 0
Deal X damage split among all enemy units, where X is the number of times friendly units have leveled up. (Maximum value for X is 7.)
Number of times leveled up: 0

Molsters (TOA 019)
Explore for Lil' Moley.
Explore for Lil' Moley.

Dual Dragon Hado (COR 045)
Deal X damage to an enemy unit, where X is the number of units on the field +3.
Deal X damage to an enemy unit, where X is the number of friendly units on the field +3.

Advanced Artifact X (COR 070)
[MP:6] [Attack:5] [HP:5]
Victory: Acquires the abilities of the defeated unit.
[MP:5] [Attack:4] [HP:5]
When played: Give another random friendly unit +5 HP.
Victory: Gain the ability of the defeated unit. (Once only.)

Steel Headsman Verdugo (ATH 092)
[MP:5] [Attack:4] [HP:4]
When played: If your deck has 5 or less cards, gain +12 HP.
When your opponent uses an Action Card: Deal 2 damage to this unit.
[MP:5] [Attack:4] [HP:3]
When played: If your deck has 10 or less cards, gain +9 HP.
*Cards affected by the rebalancing will reap the same number of souls required for their crafting between the release of ver. 3.0.5 and the release of ver. 3.1.
- Grizzled Veteran (TDA 021)
- Molsters (TOA 019)
We will continue to take into account the effects of additional cards, decks and their win percentages, and game experience when moving forward with balance changes.
We hope that this balance adjustment and continuous balance adjustments will make the content of TEPPEN more enjoyable.
We hope you continue to enjoy playing TEPPEN.